Nokia E7 Launching
Nokia E7 breaking news will be launched February 16, 2011 Previously, in 2010 launched the Nokia E7 in September, but late. and 2011, there are rumors that Nokia E7 published in early 2011, but has been delayed again.
According to the news side, Nokia has overcome the E7 to a launch on February 16 a month from now, and about two months later than promised.
Reportedly, the devices Gigantti usually announced on its website with the date of shipment, provided the provider of the handset, and rarely list the release date wrong.
In addition, they also confirmed the price tag when the system is available for purchase, which was set at 579 €, with 23% VAT included. This price is below what was previously rumored to Nokia E7, or € 649.
Nokia E7 is the brother of the Nokia N8, which has already been ported to the shelves, and is the fourth ^ 3 Symbian smartphone that Nokia has officially announced last year, in addition to Nokia-01 C6, C7, and although of course, the N8.
Boasting both a touchscreen and a sliding QWERTY keyboard, Nokia E7 is a device that should appeal to many business users, with the permission of the hardware and software.What remains to be seen is that the markets would get the Nokia E7 from next month, and that carriers pickup.
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